Commencement of Exim Operations from ICD Viramgam to Pipavav

On July 26, 2019, GatewayRail started Exim Operations at its Viramgham Inland Container Depot (ICD) in Ahmedabad. It is marked as the first rail export service from ICD Viramgam to Pipavav Port.
ICD Viramgam is a confluence point between two busiest route i.e. Garghi Harsaru in Gurgaon and Mundra & Pipavav in Gujarat. It is located at a very less distance from Ahmedabad and strategically is in the middle of Mundra and Pipavav giving it all the pros to trade. It will be benefitted by the proposed Western Dedicated Freight Corridor. It is situated at the new industrial development belt of Ahmedabad covering Sanand, Becharaji, Vithlapur and the upcoming Mandal Becharaji Special Investment Region (MBSIR). It is also in a close proximity range of NH8 which has excellent connectivity to all road and rail infrastructure of Western India.
This line of service has much to offer: CFS and ICD services across India from 7 CFSs, 4 ICDs and 1 Domestic Terminal under the Gateway Group canopy. The company will be operating regular train services for export and import for containerized cargo between the ICD and port terminals of Nhava Sheva, Mundra, and Pipavav. It will handle both dry and reefer containerized cargo. The ICD is built on a 40-acre land and is capable to handle 100,000 TEUs at a time. The GDL and GatewayRail together can take charge of 2.1 million TEUs per annum and have warehouse space of 1.73 million sq. feet across its 12 Container Terminals.