
Cross-Border Cargo Flow Disruptions Emerge Following Mexican Customs System Glitch


A series of glitches in Mexico’s National Customs Agency (ANAM) Computer System sparks prolonged disruptions in Cross-Border Freight Movements. Last week's issues, initially reported to last 3 Days, primarily affected Truck moves across the US Border, with Ports and Airports also experiencing setbacks. ANAM attributes glitches to Electronic Import and Export Declaration Document Transmission Challenges, operating in 'Contingency' mode. Some critics argue the system was essentially 'Dead' for 2 days. 

Despite ANAM's announcement of resolving 'Intermittences' on Thursday, business organizations report lingering problems. Federation of Mexican Customs Agents notes slow response and lack of connection in many Customs Offices, including Nueva Laredo and Queretaro. Nuevo Laredo witnessed complete suspension of freight operations, prompting International Trade Platform Aduanet to advise against cargo movement in the area. Long delays reported at Ciudad Juarez and Tijuana Crossings. Ports and Airports experience international cargo flow delays, resulting in congested yards and ships piling up. 

Mexican National Chamber of Cargo Transportation estimates daily industry revenue loss up to $23 Million. Uncertainty surrounds possible spoilage of perishable shipments delayed at the Border, prompting concerns of food shortages. Users express discontent with handling of the issue, criticizing lack of timely statements and responsibility from ANAM and the National Tax Agency. Fernando Ramos Casas, President of the Maritime Port Council, voices frustration over government agencies' handling of the situation, leaving cargo owners and logistics providers anxious about similar future incidents.



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