
India to introduce Anti-Dumping Duty on Import of PX-13 from China, Korea & the US


India is planning on imposing anti-dumping duty on Rubber Chemical PX-13 imported from China, USA & South Korea. PX-13 is a raw material used in tyres & non-tyre rubber industry. Following an application filed by NOCIL, Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) investigated the matter. In its provisional conclusion, DGTR stated that PX-13 imported from China, USA & South Korea, has been procured at dumped prices. This has resulted in material injury to the domestic industry. Hence, DGTR has recommended a duty in the range of $81.76-1570/ MT on the import of PX-13.

“Having initiated and conducted the investigation into dumping, injury and causal link in terms of the provisions laid down under the Anti-Dumping Rules, the Authority is of the view that imposition of provisional duty is required to offset dumping and injury, pending completion of the investigation. The Authority considers it necessary and recommends imposition of provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of subject goods from the subject countries” the DGTR stated in its notification.

It further stated that, the authority recommends imposition of provisional anti-dumping duty equal to the lesser of margin of dumping and the margin of injury. This is to immune the domestic industry against the injury. The DGTR is still inviting relevant comments from interested parties before coming to final conclusion.



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